Pizza Dough – Stand Mixer

In the bowl of your stand mixer, combine all of your ingredients. Leave out just the cornmeal

Using the dough hook from your mixer, stir until a loose dough forms. If a dough doesn’t form, add a tsp` more of warm water. If the dough is extremely wet and sticky, add a pinch of flour.

Attach the dough hook to your mixer and start on a low speed. Gradually increase the speed to medium until a ball forms. This should take about 30 seconds. If the dough does not release from the sides of the bowl, add a pinch of flour. If the dough is very dry and flour-y, add a small amount of water.

Once the dough forms into a ball, allow the mixer to knead for 8 minutes at medium-high.

After the kneading is finished, shape the dough into a ball, coat with a little olive oil and leave in the mixing bowl, covered, for 1 hour.

After an hour the dough will have risen. Stretch and fold the four sides of the dough in on themselves as the focaccia recipe, cover and leave for another hour. Repeat twice more.

About an hour before cooking, place your pizza stone in the oven on a middle rack. Set the oven as hot as it will go.

Divide the dough in thirds.

To stretch the dough, pick up the risen dough and gently shape into a circle. Do not over-work or fold the dough. Drape the dough over both of your knuckles and rotate it around, allowing gravity to stretch it into a circle. If the dough starts to resist stretching, put it down and allow it to rest for a few minutes, at which point it will stretch more easily.

Sprinkle a little bit of cornmeal onto a sheet of baking parchment on a pizza peel or rimless baking sheet. Place the stretched dough onto the paper and quickly add toppings.

Slide the paper sheet with the pizza on it onto the stone. Remove the paper after a few mins.

Cook for 5-12 minutes until browned. Enjoy!